Well, it's been a while since I've given any updates on my listy-loo. I blame my job (yay that I have one, still!) for taking up all of my time. I began working at my previous company again with the understanding that there would be about four months worth of work for me at about three days a week. Well, I'm at three months back at the job and only worked three days a week for the first month - been at 8 hours/5 days since then. It's SO great that I am working this much and I am so thankful that things are still seeming to pick up! The paycheck sure is nice!!! I will admit though, that it was nice being on "vacation" for nine months (I just had no money to have any fun!).
So now I am taking the time out to update my list. I did change a few items on the list to things that were a bit less on-going and more substantial to me. So check out the new version of My List. Hopefully I didn't switch up the numbering too much so it'll still work with my previous posts.
Here goes the update:
5. I finally purchased a book on financing and investing - yes, it's one of those "Idiots Guides" but it's easy to follow along and understand in non-financial mumbo-jumbo. It was my book for the plane when we went to Oklahoma for Kendel's wedding. I got about half way through it and now it sits on my bookshelf with the bookmark we got as a wedding favor. I do intend on finishing it. I also got a book about retirement planning. Work in progress.
30. This one is a new one that I had already added to my list, prior to officially making the changes. In the time it took me to finally update the list, I managed to get it partially crossed off. I've got all of my discs moved over to paper sleeves, got rid of those pesky, bulky cases and have all of my 600-something movies into 2 decorative boxes. Now I just need to purchase the storage unit I have been eye-ing. Yay for less clutter!!
55. We're going to have a pain-in-the-arse problem on 2010's taxes because of the foreclosure of our house (it went through on 3/16/10), so we're trying to keep track of every-single penny we can use to offset the big tax implications we'll face. Federally speaking we'll be just fine due to the debt-relief-act of 2007, which was extended until 2012, but lovely California will still be taxing us on the "profit" we "got" when the house was foreclosed (ie: we'll owe state taxes on the full amount of our loan because it's looked at as income, even though we have not a penny of that in our pocket). I am not looking forward to next years tax season. Ick.
Well, not much updated. I still only have 8 items completely crossed off and won't be counting half's anymore (more motivation!).
Until next time.