Friday, January 15, 2010


I am writing this blog about complainers. I will admit to being one as well, because I too complain but have tried my hardest not to (at least, I feel I've tried). Yes, I do see the irony in complaining about complainers.

I know everyone's lives have been of the sucky nature lately and don't think for one second that your life is worse than anyone else because you were or are unemployed or because you don't make enough or whatever other horribly awful reason you me that you're not the only one who has had something negative going on in your life at some point.

One of my reasons for writing this is because I am tired of people complaining about their work, the job they do, their coworkers or their boss...on facebook.. really?! You're complaining on the internet about your JOB. First off, be thankful that you have one...I was without work for nine months and even though everyday isn't perfect and not planned with my personal comfort in mind I am SO thankful to be working again, getting a paycheck and keeping myself busy and my mind active (not to mention utilizing the expensive skills I picked up in college). Stop making comments on how you can't wait for the end of your work day, that you're dreading tomorrow's, that you have a case of the Mondays, or that hump day is here. I know plenty of people who would LOVE to take your job if you're not happy or willing to do it (send me an email if that's the case and I'll work on getting you out of there).

No one wants to know that your back hurts, that you're going to the doctor to check out that weird rash, about that oozing abscess on your back, or whats in your bank account. If you have a really cool story about breaking your leg by all means tell it, but don't sit and bitch about it hurting for weeks on end (hell-o, broken bones hurt...duh!). The world (ie: everyone on your facebook friends list) doesn't need to know about your DUI court case, how so-n-so is ruining your life because of xyz, your parents ruined you life or that you're thankful so-n-so died. Keep your personal life PERSONAL (they call it that for a reason, you know). Now, I am not saying to never ever talk about personal things to your family and close friends, but there isn't any need to post this all over facebook/internet (try using the phone, email or a text for a change).

I've learned something this past year from being unemployed, losing our house and losing some family members. LIFE GOES ON. It's not the end of the world. I've learned to be more positive no matter the situation, avoid telling the world all of your grudges and only talk about everything that's going good in your life - things will eventually get better. I don't assume everything will work out wonderfully and I'm not walking around with my hopes up in the air. Yes I want things to work out for me and my family but realistically they don't always go the way they are planned - but I'm not going to bitch and moan about it to the world.

I am not where I want to be right now, but I am not complaining about it everyday. I'd love to have a new house, not be living with my in-laws, have time and money to take fancy vacations, be in a position to have children soon, be able to get a new car, and be able see my friends and family more often (just like most of my friends). But that is not where my life has taken me right now...I'm still positive though - I have a husband who loves me like you wouldn't believe, I have in-laws who are allowing us to live with them until things get better (for both us and them), and I have dreams that I can hold on to that ONE DAY I will achieve.

No matter how many negative things happen, my life will still be positive. I wish others would think and act the same way.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Update

I've been thinking a lot about some of the items I put on my 101 things in 1001 days list. I've noticed a lot of them are pidly things to do on a regular basis (such as bake something once a month, which I've noticed I would be doing regardless of the list). I will be changing those silly little things into more substantial things, as I think of them and updating my blog as necessary. It's a new year, filled with new ideas and adventures on my mind.

My monthly update (a little bit of a different format, cause the prior took much too long to organize):

1. I got a job. My old job, back. I posted about that here.

22. We didn't purchase Dexter, instead we purchased Netflix which I am absolutely loving. We've since gone through the entire first season of Dexter and plan on starting the next season this week. We've also added a ton of other shows to our instant q and bought a PS3 to stream through. BEST - INVESTMENT - EVER!!

38. I made soap for everyone for Christmas, I also made my Dads gift, which is awesome and I'm still not going to post about it cause I think I could make some money from patenting it (once I figure out how to do that). I made a gift for my in-laws too - it's called a swatchbook and it's about 20 pages (3x6) of all of their dogs with reasons why we they are so special.

79. Credit cards have been paid off, however this past week I needed new tires and some work done on my car, so we added $800 to our goodyear card that we have to pay off now (12 months same as cash). But I am keeping this one crossed off - we got them paid off, so paying them off from here on out is much easier (which was the entire point of paying them off in the first place).

I know it's not much but I've managed to cross off 8 complete items on my list in the last 3 months. This is why changing the on-going pidly stuff to something more substantial is a good idea to me.