A month into
my list, what's going on?
1.Get a job, any job...and then what I really want when it becomes available!
Well, technically I am still unemployed. My friend Laurel let me know about the job she does packing
GoVino wine glasses and I've been going two days a week for the last two weeks or so and will be working four days this next week. They are paying me cash so it won't affect my unemployment and it's work! It's nothing permanent, just extra cash.
14.See a Broadway show live at least once:
Saw Disney's
The Lion King at the Civic Theater in San Diego.
32.Learn to use my 4 cup coffee maker properly:
I did this on 10/14/09 and learned that it was a quantity of ground coffee beans issue (ex: follow instructions in book, not on bag of coffee beans) and not the coffee makers fault. I also figured out how to set the delay brew so it'll brew before I even get up. It's such a simple machine, I can't believe it took me 3 years to actually take the time to figure it out. Now I just need to find coffee I like - Starbucks Breakfast Blend is too weak.
41.Learn how to sew:
Well I did another sewing project for my
Halloween costume this year and learned a bit more than I already knew. I also learned that I knew more than I thought I did when I helped my friend Krystle with her costume. We shopped for a pattern and materials we'd need and did a pretty good job of finding things (with minor help of a friendly shopper in the store). Later in the evening I realized I knew how to lay and cut out a pattern and found myself showing her how to do bits here and there (we had help from my Moms friend Carol for the majority of it though). Marked as 1/2 complete, it'll be full once I am confident enough to have a sewing project I can do without questions or hesitation.
50.Go camping:
We went camping over the first weekend in October for
TVHA's first Oktoberfest.
79.Pay off credit cards:
All but ONE left (it helps when you don't pay/have your mortgage) ;-)
89.Sell all of the items we currently have on craigslist
Well, I actually weeded through everything we had posted and decided to good-will a lot of it, but I posted a bunch of other items which I have sold 3 of 5 higher priced items so far. The miscellaneous little stuff remains.
93.Improve posture (get back brace thing):
I've purchased and used the back brace a few times. It's difficult to wear for long periods of time but I am working on it! I need to figure out a way to get the bottom straps to not fall when I move around in the thing (it causes the brace to not work as it should). Marked this as 1/2 complete.
10.Read a book (borrowed from friends) once a month [0/32]:
Well, I actually borrowed the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) novels by Charlaine Harris from Krystle a while ago - WOW now that I think about it I borrowed them four months ago! She was also going to lend me her copy of Twilight so I could catch up before New Moon comes out, but she forgot. Either way I still haven't read anything for this month, I've been way too busy with moving, packing, birthaversary, and the side gig to even have a moment for myself. I'll try to read two books next month to make up for it.
28.Bake a different cake, cookies, muffins or brownies once a month [1/32]:
I baked
Honey Bars on 09/29 and I am counting this as my October baking, as it was for an October event and was the second try in two days at the same thing and I was baked out by the time I was done with it.Now that we've moved and shared all of our food we have double of everything - powdered sugar, sugar, flour, baking this and that...so I'll be baking up a storm.
30.Paint my toe nails a new color each month [1/32]:
I thought I'd get festive for Halloween:

(P.S. those are bats on the left and a haunted mansion with a ghost on the right)
31.Wear my hair down at least once a week:
So far so good - Although I wouldn't be able to tell you which days. The point is that I need to NOT wear my hair in a pony tail so often and I am slowly working on it.
37.Take 24 pictures per month of random/interesting people/objects/places etc [0/32]:
Oops. But I did take lots of pictures of Birthaversary, the dogs, and for sale items...just nothing too interesting.
55.Have an outing/event with a minimum of two friends once a month [1/32]:
Craig and I went to see Couples Retreat with my bestest and her boyfriend on 10/09
92.Take 30 minutes everyday to do a chore/clean:
Yea I didn't think this one would happen either. Again, the point isn't the daily activity, it's just a matter of teaching myself new habits. I've been packing instead of cleaning - if that counts (it is a chore to pack)? And since moving I have been keeping our stuff tidy, which is a new thing for me.
100.Update my blog when I complete items on this list [4/101]
I've been updating the
main list as I complete things, but this is my detailed progress update.