I've been thinking a lot about some of the items I put on my 101 things in 1001 days list. I've noticed a lot of them are pidly things to do on a regular basis (such as bake something once a month, which I've noticed I would be doing regardless of the list). I will be changing those silly little things into more substantial things, as I think of them and updating my blog as necessary. It's a new year, filled with new ideas and adventures on my mind.
My monthly update (a little bit of a different format, cause the prior took much too long to organize):
1. I got a job. My old job, back. I posted about that here.
22. We didn't purchase Dexter, instead we purchased Netflix which I am absolutely loving. We've since gone through the entire first season of Dexter and plan on starting the next season this week. We've also added a ton of other shows to our instant q and bought a PS3 to stream through. BEST - INVESTMENT - EVER!!
38. I made soap for everyone for Christmas, I also made my Dads gift, which is awesome and I'm still not going to post about it cause I think I could make some money from patenting it (once I figure out how to do that). I made a gift for my in-laws too - it's called a swatchbook and it's about 20 pages (3x6) of all of their dogs with reasons why we they are so special.
79. Credit cards have been paid off, however this past week I needed new tires and some work done on my car, so we added $800 to our goodyear card that we have to pay off now (12 months same as cash). But I am keeping this one crossed off - we got them paid off, so paying them off from here on out is much easier (which was the entire point of paying them off in the first place).
I know it's not much but I've managed to cross off 8 complete items on my list in the last 3 months. This is why changing the on-going pidly stuff to something more substantial is a good idea to me.
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