Wednesday, December 8, 2010

An Update!

I've been avoiding my blog lately. I don't know why, I just have. My days are pretty boring so there isn't much to write on a regular basis - I guess that may be the why. I have checked some things off of my list and have done little updates in relation to my list but I feel the need to write some blurbs about it. I am having fun checking things off and it's keeping the momentum (and me) going. So here goes some rambling about my list items (and in numerical order).

1. Complete Design Portfolio:
Well I have full on avoided this item. I really MUST do this though so that I don't have any more excuses for looking for a job. Yes, I'll admit to being extremely lazy about it - it's nice to not work AND not be stressed over money every day but I know it's irritating to my hubby. It would also make traveling MUCH easier and saving for our future MUCH easier. I am just lacking even the slightest bit of motivation though, which I don't know how to get back. More on a few things I am going to try in the following blurbs...

8. Take a Photography Class:
I am suuuuuper excited about the photography class I am enrolled in for the Winter 2011 semester at Portland Community College. It's called Photography Manual and it basically is geared toward learning how to use your digital camera's manual functions. I have tried on my own to figure out all of the manual functions on my camera but am easily frustrated and end up switching to automatic and end up getting a decent picture - but not the one I was trying to get! I figured with the amount of money I spent on my new fancy camera I MUST learn how to use it properly! I also want to figure it out in detail before purchasing a new lens for it (#53), as that is bound to cost me upwards of $600 or more.

17. Cook 50 New Recipes:
As of right now I have cooked nine new things that I've never cooked before. I am enjoying looking for new things to try (especially ones that are easy enough to make on a regular dinner basis) and I think my hubby is liking the new dishes we've been having.

32. Update my social security card: 
Well, silly me. I was planning on mailing in all of the documents I need to, to get the typo on my card fixed but it requires I mail off my drivers license. If I don't have my drivers license I can't get into bars, drive, get a drink at a restaurant, or hop on a plane. So I have been waiting for a time where I won't need my license to mail it off - hopefully in early January.

34. Acquire a sewing machine & 35. Learn to sew:
Well, much thanks to hubby's Aunt I now own a sewing machine. I need to take it in to get serviced before my sewing class at PCC begins in January. It's a basic sewing class and I think we'll be making an apron, robe and pajamas or something. I'm not really interested in what I'll be making but I am excited to learn MY machine! Hopefully after the class is over I'll feel more confident to take on my own little projects (36, 37, & 38).

51. Get a Wii again & 52. Get Wii Fit:
If you haven't notices by now, I have changed these to an xbox 360 and the kinect. I did this because it's a more advanced technology and there are a few games that look fun!

55. Get entertainment unit/ storage for living room:
Well hubby finally caved and we bought a stand for our TV. It's from the Hemnes collection at Ikea and it's stage one of the entire unit we plan on getting. Thank goodness for Ikea allowing us to buy the entire thing in parts. We have 3 more pieces to get to complete the whole unit, which will give us more storage!

69. Visit SoCal for Christmas:
This is our first year that we missed Thanksgiving with ANY of our families. It was a tough one, but we made the best of it. I never want to miss a Christmas in So Cal though so we booked our flights back in September. We'll only have a week in town and I wish we could do more but Craig doesn't get paid vacation, so it's what we had to do. I am excited though, very excited.

73. Visit Ireland:
Well - I started to plan this trip to be in March of 2011, but it just isn't feasible so I pushed it into late September/early October 2011. We also have added Scotland and England to the itinerary - hopefully we can manage to actually do everything we'd like to do. Nothing is booked yet and the research continues, but here's hoping all goes well. (another reason why I could really use a job).

84. Become pen pals with niece and nephews: 
Well I have been sending my niece and nephews pictures of everything Craig and I have been up to here in Oregon. I try to include a little note with the pack of pictures. Its fun to hear what they think of what we've sent them! Now to get their parents to help them send me something back (although, my nephews sent us some hand drawn Halloween cards, which was really cute!).

100. Send my Grandma fall leaves:
My Grandma LOVES all of the different colors fall brings, I remember growing up she'd always pick up leaves and flowers. When we moved to Oregon I told her I'd send her some fall leaves from here. I picked some up a few weeks back and dried them out in books and will be compiling an album with pictures of us. It will be her Christmas present this year. Now - to finish it before we fly out there!!

So there you have it. My little update to my list (and my life). I also want to note that along with the Photography and Sewing classes I am taking two classes toward a certificate in Sustainable Building. The first is more of a refresh course of something I have taken in the past : Intro to Building Systems. The second is a bit more interesting and I hope I can keep up with the material, as it sounds exciting to me: Intro to Environmental Ethics. The certificate is supposed to take less than a year of full-time student status but I think with my past education I can get the certificate in less time, while only going to school part time (in hopes I find a job of any sort).


  1. I love the update! I completely agree with you about the job hunt... I've been wanting to change jobs for so long and I just don't have the energy to put into it. The classes sound really fun, maybe I should look into stuff like that to start a new hobby... hmmm. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Kim! :-) Well at least you HAVE a job right now. I just want anything. I have applied all over the place for seasonal stuff (when they were all hiring) and no bites! I left my class schedule open enough to accept part time work (maybe even full time with a busy schedule)if I can manage to get an interview of any sort!

  4. Random bit of trivia: you, Craig, me and Summer all spent out first ever Thanksgivings away from our families this year. :) and a little ;(

  5. Summer at least had 3 family dinners! We just had one with the two of us. :-( sad times. But I guess thats how time works!

  6. I am so glad you're going to be down in So Cal for Christmas. What dates are you going to be here for? - because there are two important individuals I want you to meet while you are here!

  7. I am guessing one is furry, the other is male and you're in love with at least one of them. :-)

    We should be free after Christmas. We'll figure something out. I want to do a function with a bunch of friends if possible - that way we don't have to run all over town to see everyone.
