101 Things in 1001 Days, inspired by
Day Zero Project
Start: Thursday, October 1st 2009
End: Thursday, June 28, 2012
Revised: March 22, 2010
Last updated: April 10, 2010
1.Get a job, any job...and then what I really want when it becomes available! [12/12/2009]
2.Get certified in AutoCAD
3.Get certified in Revit
4.Get LEED accreditation
5.Learn and understand financing and investing
[in progress]
6.Take a class on Project Management with my husband (if at MSJC, walk to/from class)
7.Read and study Furniture/Interior design books from college days (refresh!)
8.Spend an hour+ a day working on my portfolio for three weeks
9.Attend a meet up for digital scrap booking [11/6/09]
10.Read a book once a month
11.Don't drink any soda, alcohol, or coffee for 2 weeks
12.Ignore the Internet for a week (including email, exclusive of work related)
13.See a Cirque Du Soleil show live at least once
14.See a Broadway show live at least once [Lion King on 10/21/09]
16.See a dermatologist to make sure my freckled skin is healthy
17.Only check my email/networking sites twice a day for a week
18.Watch all episodes of Family Guy, consecutively (get seasons from Krystle)
19.Watch all episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, consecutively
20.Watch all episodes of Angel, consecutively
21.Watch all episodes of Firefly, then movie Serenity
22.Get and watch seasons of Dexter [done for now 6/2010]
23.Go to ten garage sales and buy at least one item at each
24.Get my social security card/name fixed (they spelled “Gardner” as “Garnder”)
25.Change the name on my passport from Smith to Gardner
26.Use my recipe books to make at least fifteen dishes
27.Get a Kitchen Aid mixer!
28.Learn to use Google Sketchup
29.Learn how to patent and idea/invention
30.Get DVD storage unit and transfer discs to sleeves [7/2010]
31.Start a freelance consulting business (interior design/decor)
32.Learn to use my 4 cup coffee maker properly [10/14/09]
33. Spend at least a week in Ireland
34.Get my art work/pieces framed
[1 done, countless remaining]
35.Go to a Clean House yard sale
36.Re-finish/upholster a piece of furniture
37.Take 24 pictures per month of random/interesting people/objects/places etc.
[in progress]
38.Make everyone's gifts for one Christmas
39.Make a Christmas ornament from old jewelry and beads (like Grandma Smiths)
40.Fix broken ornaments from my Grandmas collection
41.Learn how to sew
[1/2 complete]
42.Make an entire bedding set (exclusive of flat and fitted sheets) from scratch
43.Go SCUBA Diving
44.Go hiking
45.Buy bikes for me and my husband [6/2010]
46.Ride a bike on a regular basis (3x week?) with the dog
47.Go white water rafting
48.Get Wii Fit (and actually use it at least once a week)
49.Go on a fruit picking date
50.Go camping [on 10/02-10/04 2009 for Oktoberfest]
51.Take a hot air balloon ride
52.Road trip to Napa with friends for a wine tasting weekend
53.Go skydiving at least once
54.Plan an Owens family reunion/picnic [08/2010]
55.Keep track of all of our deductible expenses for the 2010 tax year.[in progress]
56.Go on an all girls trip to Vegas
[in progress]
57.Host a cookie exchange party during the holiday season
58.See the Grand Canyon with my hubby and stay at a bed and breakfast
59.Road-trip to the mid-west, stopping at the weird photo-op spots along the way
60.Follow through with the awesome gift idea I have for my husband
61.Finish Year Scrapbooks
62. Finish Puerto Vallarta Vacation Book
63.Go to Disneyland at least once during the holiday season
64.Visit the walk of fame in Hollywood (must have pics: MJ, PS & EP's Stars)
65.See a movie at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood
66.Go to La Brea Tar pits (LA)
67.“Kidnap” Mackenzie for a day of girly fun!
68.Plan my best friend's bachelorette party
69.Take salsa dancing classes with Craig
70.Visit my brother +family in Arizona
71.Donate blood (if they'll let me)
72.Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity at least once
73.Donate a toy for tots, each Christmas
74.Donate what I can to various charities/walks that friends participate in
75.Donate 10 cans of food to a food bank
76.Plant a tree
77.Volunteer for a clean-up day
78.Pay off student loans (including ones in my Mom's name)
[in progress, not even close]
79.Pay off credit cards [12/2009]
80.Start contributing to mutual fund
[in progress]
81.Move out of the in-laws [07/2010]
82.Get pregnant/have a baby
83.See Michael Jackson's 'This is It' in theaters *fail*
84.See New Moon with at least 3 friends
85.Get a new mattress
86.Go to an observatory at night to look through the telescope
87.Get a one year wine membership at Ponte winery
88.Get my 5th year wedding anniversary ring (from the hubby)
89.Sell all of the items we currently have on craigslist
[4/5 +Misc]
90.Save up to buy a really nice digital camera [04/03/10]
91. Finish wedding/honeymoon scrapbooks
92.Improve posture
(get back brace thing) [1/2 complete]
93.Go to a concert (at least one *Madonna?*)
94.Learn to make sushi
95.Fix my lower back tattoo
96.Learn the alphabet and 25 common sign language signs
97.Get 4 tickets to Ellen show
98. Finish Cruise vacation scrapbook.
99.Brew 5 Gal's of beer with guidance from my hubby
100.Update my blog when I complete items on this list
101.Put $5 in my savings account for each item completed