Why this year sucked (for me)...
1. Unemployment:
During the first three months of the new year I knew I would be losing my job, eventually. Sure enough at the end of March two of us were let go. My Mom & Dad, Mom & Dad in law, Sister in law, best friend and several other people that I know were all let go as well (some in 2008) and most are still unemployed.
2. Foreclosure:
We decided to give up our house in June. First we tried a loan modification, which they wouldn't do because we were still current on our loan, with no late payments. Next we tried to short sell it, which they wouldn't do without us first signing a promissory note in the amount of $15,000 payable over 10 years - no thanks! And our last option was to foreclose, which will be effective January 2010. No biggie - we'll move on.
3. Hospitals and Losses:
Well, my Grandma Owens passed away at the beginning of 2009 and my Uncle Gary Owens during the middle of 2009. My Aunt Mildred fell, broke her leg and hip (this after having a hip replacement) and is still not doing so well at the hospital, my Grandpa Smith fell the day before Thanksgiving and had slight bleeding on his brain, he was released two days later and a weekend after that my Grandma Smith was at the ER for her eye - which she now has to have surgery on. My Dad has been having issues with his leg (which seems to be getting better) and my Mom had to have neurosurgery on her lower spine (which she is doing well from). Several other family members have been in and out of the hospital for various reasons as well. More so than usual.
On a more positive note...
Nine months after I was laid off I received an email that the company I used to work for needed some help, so I came back to work for them as a regular part-time employee with a 3% pay raise (started December 12th). Hopefully this will be more permanent an I can learn and grow more from the experience of being laid off. I have learned the value of having a job and will (hopefully) no longer complain about having to go to work, or do the things expected of me. I am grateful to be working again. We had a vacation in Cabo that was memorable, especially with the majority of those in attendance being unemployed at the time. This year has definately pointed out our financial flaws and we've learned how to improve upon them. I think we've been doing well. We've managed to pay off every one of our credit cards and our savings account is continually growing. I got to see my brother and his family from Arizona as well as my Aunt and Uncle and cousins from Colorado, aside from the incident with my Grandpa - this made for a great and memorable Thanksgiving - it was nice to have everyone together (with a cardboard cut-out makeshift Grandpa).
The way this year has ended is giving me hope that 2010 will be better for everyone.
Here's to ending 2009 on a positive note. *cheers*
Plans for 2010? (no not resolutions, I have my list for that).
--Vacation with just Craig and I (Brazil? Ireland? Tropical Getaway? Europe?)
--Moving out of the in-laws place (House? Apartment? Condo?..who knows!)
The day to day [or so] blog all about my adventures and daily happenings. Some craftiness, venting, contemplating, listing, and most of all rambling.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
When it rains...
...it pours gumdrops and lolly-pops!!
I got a job!! Well, actually I got my old job, back! Apparently the lone designer they kept working when I was let go was getting overloaded with projects to work on. Nine months ago when I was let go there were only four projects on the project board and now the board is filled up. This is a good sign of things to come for the company as most people are not doing construction projects during the holidays. As my boss has said, if you don't have much going on at this time of the year, then your next year will have even less, but if you do have projects going on then you'll have a good year. At least that's the trend he's seen in his 25+ years of experience (so I think I'll take his word on it).
Based on the projects on the board they think that it should take us through the next four months. My boss is hoping longer and hoping that they won't have to cut-back again (as I would, again be the one they cut). Fortunately they put me on payroll instead of a contract position, so in the event they have to let me go again I can at least qualify for unemployment. Oh and the even better news is that I got about a 3% raise from my previous pay. I'll only be working three days a week for now, hopefully I can sneak a few days in here and there though.
Also at the same time my old company called me back I also set up an interview with Luxury Design. Its for a residential design assistant position in Rancho Santa Fe. I don't know what the pay is, what the hours would be or really too much about the company so it'll be an informational interview, three days before Christmas. I am doubtful that they'll pay me more than I am getting currently, but we'll see. I do know that I would get a minimum of 32 hours a week, which I am not getting at my current job (24) but it'll all depend on the pay rate as it's also an hour away from home (the pay would have to compensate for the travel). Another thing is that I don't have much experience in residential design. It is something I'd like to get into (professionally) at some point, but my confidence in that area is low.
The funny part about all of this happening this past week was that I had JUST begun working on my portfolio so that I could include it with my resume on my job hunt. Oh the irony.
The negative this month: I have yet to get an unemployment check from the past month. I should have received two by now, so it's really affecting our bank account and ability to knock out the last credit card we have. I won't get paid for another two weeks so hopefully I'll get something before then and get caught back up on our bills.
If I am not offered the residential design position (or it's not what I want, if offered), I think I'll sign up for classes at cadteacher.com they offer online and onsight classes for Auto CAD (computer aided drafting). It's roughly a thousand bucks to take all of the classes needed to get certification in AutoCAD. Basically starting you in the introduction class, then intermediate, advanced, project management and finally the exam certification prep class. All of the classes are four hours each day, two days a week, for two to three weeks with the exception of the prep class which is only a few hours in one day. I would want to take the onsight classes as I am not a big fan of computer learning (what if I have a question??). The only drawback is that they are located in Pt. Loma - such a long drive to make for a lengthy class. I think if I could suck it up and deal, then it'll be worth it in the end. Plus I could always stay at my bestest's place (if not my parents)!!
As I posted on Twitter the other day "Things seem to be looking up, for me. Hopefully things will get better for others before 2009's end so we can start 2010 on the right foot!"
I got a job!! Well, actually I got my old job, back! Apparently the lone designer they kept working when I was let go was getting overloaded with projects to work on. Nine months ago when I was let go there were only four projects on the project board and now the board is filled up. This is a good sign of things to come for the company as most people are not doing construction projects during the holidays. As my boss has said, if you don't have much going on at this time of the year, then your next year will have even less, but if you do have projects going on then you'll have a good year. At least that's the trend he's seen in his 25+ years of experience (so I think I'll take his word on it).
Based on the projects on the board they think that it should take us through the next four months. My boss is hoping longer and hoping that they won't have to cut-back again (as I would, again be the one they cut). Fortunately they put me on payroll instead of a contract position, so in the event they have to let me go again I can at least qualify for unemployment. Oh and the even better news is that I got about a 3% raise from my previous pay. I'll only be working three days a week for now, hopefully I can sneak a few days in here and there though.
Also at the same time my old company called me back I also set up an interview with Luxury Design. Its for a residential design assistant position in Rancho Santa Fe. I don't know what the pay is, what the hours would be or really too much about the company so it'll be an informational interview, three days before Christmas. I am doubtful that they'll pay me more than I am getting currently, but we'll see. I do know that I would get a minimum of 32 hours a week, which I am not getting at my current job (24) but it'll all depend on the pay rate as it's also an hour away from home (the pay would have to compensate for the travel). Another thing is that I don't have much experience in residential design. It is something I'd like to get into (professionally) at some point, but my confidence in that area is low.
The funny part about all of this happening this past week was that I had JUST begun working on my portfolio so that I could include it with my resume on my job hunt. Oh the irony.
The negative this month: I have yet to get an unemployment check from the past month. I should have received two by now, so it's really affecting our bank account and ability to knock out the last credit card we have. I won't get paid for another two weeks so hopefully I'll get something before then and get caught back up on our bills.
If I am not offered the residential design position (or it's not what I want, if offered), I think I'll sign up for classes at cadteacher.com they offer online and onsight classes for Auto CAD (computer aided drafting). It's roughly a thousand bucks to take all of the classes needed to get certification in AutoCAD. Basically starting you in the introduction class, then intermediate, advanced, project management and finally the exam certification prep class. All of the classes are four hours each day, two days a week, for two to three weeks with the exception of the prep class which is only a few hours in one day. I would want to take the onsight classes as I am not a big fan of computer learning (what if I have a question??). The only drawback is that they are located in Pt. Loma - such a long drive to make for a lengthy class. I think if I could suck it up and deal, then it'll be worth it in the end. Plus I could always stay at my bestest's place (if not my parents)!!
As I posted on Twitter the other day "Things seem to be looking up, for me. Hopefully things will get better for others before 2009's end so we can start 2010 on the right foot!"
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Day 62 of 1001
Day 62 of 1001 status update of the list.
1.Get a job, any job...and then what I really want when it becomes available!
Well I worked a total of six days over the course of four weeks (the third of which I was sick and didn't work) with my friend Laurel packing wine glasses. All of the money I earned for that was "under the table" and has since been put toward "79. Pay off credit cards" so it was very beneficial to get this small side gig. I am hoping in the future they have little odd jobs for me to do so I can get a little more extra cash!
9.Attend a meet up for digital scrap booking [11/6/09]
I finally ended up going to one of these meet-ups, read about that here. I also managed to finish the book that I had a credit for. It turned out pretty well but I learned that I need to be a bit more careful when I proof future projects, there are a few things that bother me about the book (but they only bother me it seems).
28.Bake a different cake, cookies, muffins or brownies once a month [2/32]
Made Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins, which were very good. They were made with yogurt so it kept them really moist for days!
30.Paint my toe nails a new color each month [2/32]
I painted my toe nails a deep red shade this month. Not too fancy for a picture.
31.Wear my hair down at least once a week [in progress]
I actually went and had my hair cut and since then have worn my hair down more than once a week this past month, actually I think I've worn my hair down more than I have up!! It's had mostly good days but some bad ones in there too.
34.Get my art work/pieces framed [1 done, countless remaining]
I finally got my favorite flower that I drew my freshmen year of design school framed! It's done with pastels and very very chalky and when we moved I was afraid it'd get damaged. I've been babying it for over six years and it's been stuck to the walls with thumb tacks - it's about time I got it framed!! I still have several other things that need to be framed but they are currently packed and sitting in our storage unit. I may pull a few things at a time to get them framed though, I know of a few that we could actually hang up in our room.
38.Make everyone's gifts for one Christmas
I made soap (I also bought gifts, this was just for fun).

I also made my Dad's gift which I will post up after Christmas, although I may not cause I might just market the idea!!!
55.Have an outing/event with a minimum of two friends once a month [2/32]
Went to see New Moon with Krystle, Craig, Amber, & my brother the day after Thanksgiving.
62.Add friends and families birthdays and anniversaries to calendar (with years)
Horray for facebook and a big chunk of my family (and friends) for posting their birthdays publicly and sharing their anniversaries with me. I got a big chunk of this done just by hitting up the events page!!
79.Pay off credit cards [ONE left]
Huzzah... only one left between the two of us and it's below the $1k mark. Wahhooo!! I just made one payment on it today and hoping to make a second and final payment before December's end. Good way to kick off the new the year, don't ya think?!
83.See Michael Jackson's 'This is It' in theaters
Failed. The time line just didn't work out in my favor. If any theaters happen to be playing it still, I'll go soon.
84.See New Moon with at least 3 friends
We went and saw New Moon on 11/27 and it was much better than the first movie, but not great. The on screen chemistry is still NOT there for Edward and Bella. I think that's the part that bothers me the most because in the books you fall in love with their type of love and it's just not believable. And of course they cut parts of the book out and modified bits here and there, which is understandable to get it into a decent movie time. Although I wouldn't mind a 5 hour movie with an intermission.
89.Sell all of the items we currently have on craigslist [4/6 +Misc]
I managed to sell 4 items in one week. I still have 2 higher priced items up for sale on craigslist. Hoping to sell them soon. The money I got for the 4 items also went toward "79. Pay off credit cards".
91.Make a chore/errands schedule (and stick to it)
I have yet to make a chore/errands schedule because of where we're living now. It's difficult to plan when I am going to clean something because my in-laws don't have a set schedule of when they clean or do things, they just do (and tend to do, before I do).
92.Take 30 minutes everyday to do a chore/clean
I haven't done this either, but I have been keeping up with picking up after myself and my husband. I have yet to be overwhelmed with multiple cleaning tasks, so I feel good about where I am at on this one!
Not too much completed when I look at the entire list, but I have quite a while to get things checked off. Hopefully 2010 will be better to all of us and I can get cranking away on the list faster and easier.
1.Get a job, any job...and then what I really want when it becomes available!
Well I worked a total of six days over the course of four weeks (the third of which I was sick and didn't work) with my friend Laurel packing wine glasses. All of the money I earned for that was "under the table" and has since been put toward "79. Pay off credit cards" so it was very beneficial to get this small side gig. I am hoping in the future they have little odd jobs for me to do so I can get a little more extra cash!
9.Attend a meet up for digital scrap booking [11/6/09]
I finally ended up going to one of these meet-ups, read about that here. I also managed to finish the book that I had a credit for. It turned out pretty well but I learned that I need to be a bit more careful when I proof future projects, there are a few things that bother me about the book (but they only bother me it seems).
28.Bake a different cake, cookies, muffins or brownies once a month [2/32]
Made Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins, which were very good. They were made with yogurt so it kept them really moist for days!
30.Paint my toe nails a new color each month [2/32]
I painted my toe nails a deep red shade this month. Not too fancy for a picture.
31.Wear my hair down at least once a week [in progress]
I actually went and had my hair cut and since then have worn my hair down more than once a week this past month, actually I think I've worn my hair down more than I have up!! It's had mostly good days but some bad ones in there too.
34.Get my art work/pieces framed [1 done, countless remaining]
I finally got my favorite flower that I drew my freshmen year of design school framed! It's done with pastels and very very chalky and when we moved I was afraid it'd get damaged. I've been babying it for over six years and it's been stuck to the walls with thumb tacks - it's about time I got it framed!! I still have several other things that need to be framed but they are currently packed and sitting in our storage unit. I may pull a few things at a time to get them framed though, I know of a few that we could actually hang up in our room.
38.Make everyone's gifts for one Christmas
I made soap (I also bought gifts, this was just for fun).

I also made my Dad's gift which I will post up after Christmas, although I may not cause I might just market the idea!!!
55.Have an outing/event with a minimum of two friends once a month [2/32]
Went to see New Moon with Krystle, Craig, Amber, & my brother the day after Thanksgiving.
62.Add friends and families birthdays and anniversaries to calendar (with years)
Horray for facebook and a big chunk of my family (and friends) for posting their birthdays publicly and sharing their anniversaries with me. I got a big chunk of this done just by hitting up the events page!!
79.Pay off credit cards [ONE left]
Huzzah... only one left between the two of us and it's below the $1k mark. Wahhooo!! I just made one payment on it today and hoping to make a second and final payment before December's end. Good way to kick off the new the year, don't ya think?!
83.See Michael Jackson's 'This is It' in theaters
Failed. The time line just didn't work out in my favor. If any theaters happen to be playing it still, I'll go soon.
84.See New Moon with at least 3 friends
We went and saw New Moon on 11/27 and it was much better than the first movie, but not great. The on screen chemistry is still NOT there for Edward and Bella. I think that's the part that bothers me the most because in the books you fall in love with their type of love and it's just not believable. And of course they cut parts of the book out and modified bits here and there, which is understandable to get it into a decent movie time. Although I wouldn't mind a 5 hour movie with an intermission.
89.Sell all of the items we currently have on craigslist [4/6 +Misc]
I managed to sell 4 items in one week. I still have 2 higher priced items up for sale on craigslist. Hoping to sell them soon. The money I got for the 4 items also went toward "79. Pay off credit cards".
91.Make a chore/errands schedule (and stick to it)
I have yet to make a chore/errands schedule because of where we're living now. It's difficult to plan when I am going to clean something because my in-laws don't have a set schedule of when they clean or do things, they just do (and tend to do, before I do).
92.Take 30 minutes everyday to do a chore/clean
I haven't done this either, but I have been keeping up with picking up after myself and my husband. I have yet to be overwhelmed with multiple cleaning tasks, so I feel good about where I am at on this one!
Not too much completed when I look at the entire list, but I have quite a while to get things checked off. Hopefully 2010 will be better to all of us and I can get cranking away on the list faster and easier.
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