Sunday, August 29, 2010


More Goodwill items! Yay! Hubby and I are on a mission to find furniture for our house, but we can't help but wander through the trinkets, kitchenware and even clothing sections of Goodwill. Here is what we found...

Green vase (Target brand) $4.
Towel rack (wanted one of these for a while) $4 
and the glass dishes $3each.
My hubby is awesome. You'll see these spice jars re-done in a future post but for the rack and jars it was a whopping $4. The rack will eventually go back to goodwill though, unless you have an idea for it?
We also found an off-brand 'Slap-Chop' for $2, miniature cast iron pan for $7 and a sweater and scarf for $8 (gotta stock up my winter wardrobe, right?).

1 comment:

  1. You are very resourceful. I love what you did with the coffeetable! Nice colors!We recently got a cool cabinet on CL. As for the salt and pepper holder, you could always use it as a pen,pencil, andmarker caddy?
