Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pay it Forward

Ok so I am not big on those statuses that go around on facebook where you're supposed to do something then copy/paste the status as your own. I don't so much care for the "spam" part of it and most of the time they are stupid wastes of time and I think they are annoying (to me, do what you please). A friend posted this one the other day though and I couldn't help but want to do it immediately.  
"Pay it Forward 2011: I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here. They must in turn post this and send something they make to the first 5 people who comment on their status. The rules are that it must be handmade by you and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011. Note...I get to pick what to make!"
I commented on her status then posted it as my own and got a flood of responses and a bunch of my friends re-posted it as their own shortly after. I decided I just can't stick to making only five people something - especially if they are making me something. So I decided to do a trade - you make me something (anything) and I will make something for you in return.

Here is my list of people I am making something for, and who are making me something in return:
  1. Kallie Thorsen
  2. Roy Jackson
  3. Krystle Briese
  4. Karen Woods
  5. Jeremy Hustad
  6. Alexandra Smith
  7. Jimi Sepulveda
  8. Sheena Menard
  9. Candice Abellon
I will definitely post something about both what I am making and also what I receive and for/from whom. It's exciting to not know what people will be sending me and it's equally exciting trying to think of what to make for my friends. I know that the majority will get something homemade for their kitchen or dining rooms but a few will get something different - I just haven't thought of it yet!!


  1. You may end up something homemade for your doggies....

  2. ...and yours may have nothing to do with doggies. hehehe.....
