We had such a fun time out in So Cal for Christmas this year! We tried not to over book ourselves so that we could have a moment to relax in between seeing everyone we possibly could and even still I think we over exerted ourselves! It was so worth it though! After a 95 minute delay for our starting flight we finally arrived in San Diego. Craig's parents were gracious enough to pick us up and we spent our first two nights at their house in Sun City. Our flight landed at midnight and we didn't make it "home" until about 2am and promptly went straight to bed.
Day 1: I spent the first few hours of our first day at my old work, visiting with coworkers and discussing some work that they may have me do from a distance. I am excited to get started working on one of the several projects they have going - mostly because it will keep me busy but it will also bring in some extra income, which will be nice! I am not sure exactly when they will have me start but they know I am available to start any time! After I got back from visiting with them I joined Craig and his Dad (my "FIL") as they put away and tried to organize their garage after their move. They literally moved the day before we arrived so the garage was a mess! My MIL had a doctors appointment so we visited as much as we could with my FIL and he took us out to lunch - MEXICAN FOOD! We then headed over to Craft Brewing Company in Lake Elsinore to visit four of our brewer friends (and whoever happened to be there). It was really cool to see how much this small micro brewery had grown! I am so happy for the guys there! After CBC we went down to the hospital to drop my FIL off and visit with my MIL for a little bit. We then headed over to Black Market Brewery in Temecula to see another brewer friend and any of the guys from the Temecula Valley Homebrewers Association (that we were members of). Fortunately we got to see some key friends from the group and hung out with them for a few hours. Unfortunately we didn't get to see everyone (sad face). Craigs best friend (my BF) and his girlfriend (my GF) Dasul and Eliza met us at Black Market for some drinks before we all went over to my SIL's house to check out the new paint and mini-redesign. Then the eight of us went to Texas Loosey's for a late Tex-Mex dinner!
Day 2: 
The next day (Christmas Eve) we spent the morning slowly getting ready for the day - chit chatting and visiting with one another. Dasul and Eliza had stayed the night at the house and the four of us went out to see a movie, which didn't work out too well. We ended up just driving around town together until we got back to the house to get ready to go over to Craig's grandparents (Gramy and Grampys) for the traditional Christmas Eve dinner and white elephant gift exchange. I was beyond excited to see both of the new additions to the family, but only one was there. Sweet baby Hailey!
Day 3: 
Dasul and Eliza were gracious enough to drive us down to my parents house in San Diego where we spent part of the day visiting with Craig's Grandma, Aunt and Cousins. We spent a few hours just chit-chatting and then went back to my parents where we had a great Thanksgiving-esq meal for Christmas dinner (my parents didn't get to cook Thanksgiving this year because all the kids were gone). After dinner we sat by the tree and opened gifts and then spent the remainder of the evening with our Niece Mackenzie.
Day 4: We met up with some of Craigs friends for lunch - we were so thankful that we were able to see them while we were out. We did not get to see all of them (as some were out of town) but it was nice to catch up and see one of the newest additions, Joey. After lunch we went back to my parents to visit some more before heading out to see our friend Garry's brewery: Manzanita Brewing Co. My parents and some other friends joined us there as well so that made it all the more fun!! Then on our way back to my parents house for the night, we stopped by my Grandmas house and were able to visit with my Aunt Sherry who was in from Colorado. Once we got back to my parents we had some more Mexican food for dinner (no complaints here!!)
Day 5: 

This day was probably the most fun! We got to spend most of the day with our niece, Mackenzie! We told her that we got to watch her for the day and she was SO excited! I had her make a list of things she wanted to do, and that we could vote on which thing to do. All of her ideas involved staying home or going to the park down the street so Craig and I decided that she would probably LOVE to go a bit farther into town. We didn't tell her what we were doing until right before! We got to downtown San Diego and asked her what she wanted for lunch - Mexican food it is!! Then we headed over to the harbor to take the ferry over to Coronado. Mackenzie had never been on the ferry before so she got a kick out of looking over the side of the boat to see how fast we were going - initially she was afraid of going out on the sea because of sharks. We had to reassure her that the sharks didn't hang out in the bay. After we got to Coronado we just took a walk down to the Children's park (with Mackenzie on Uncle Craig's shoulders) and let Mackenzie play for a bit (and yes, Aunt Jojo did climb around the jungle gym with her for a short while). We took the ferry back to the harbor and then hopped on a peddle taxi to Seaport Village where our first stop was for ice cream!! Then it was a mad dash to the candy shop! Mackenzie got to pick out whatever candy she wanted (to a limit, of course) and we also nabbed ourselves a few of our own bags, too! Finally we headed home (snacking on candy of course). The best part of the day was when Mackenzie said "This is the best day of my life!" which was just after we got lunch and before we even did anything. We asked her why and she told us that it was because she got to spend the whole day with her Aunt and Uncle who she loves so much! Yea - I almost cried.

Not all of that is hers. Just the one on the right. :-) |
Once we got home we had to turn around and go out again to meet up with some more friends for dinner at Callihans. There were I believe about 15 of us - lots of great conversation and we got to meet some of the new significant others of our friends.
Day 6:
Flew home and curled up with our doggies on the couch. :-)
:) Whirlwind it was - but I am so glad I was able to visit with you and Craig on Day 4, without the crowd of the 15ish people also wanting to talk to you.
ReplyDeleteYes, it was difficult to try and visit with everyone. Next time we can do lunch and have some activity afterward or something.